It takes a society to heal war trauma
When arriving here after fleeing from a war zone, your mind is filled with horror and an immense sense of loss of your world and your identity. Connection is the best medicine for depression and post-traumatic stress. At Solentra, we therefore place the strength provided by a community of family, friends, social workers, healthcare professionals, guardians, neighbours and teachers at the centre of our work.
How to treat war trauma?
Nightmares, depression, panic attacks, aggression … The symptoms of war trauma are not unique. They are part of a complex reality and often only appear once a person has enough mental space for them to surface. How do you recognise symptoms of war trauma as a social worker or counsellor? What can you do to help? Gain more insight through our training courses, in-person or online at your own pace.
Accessible trauma psychologists
Everyone has the right to mental health, even if that requires specialised therapy. Ever since Solentra was founded in 2005, this has been our guiding principle.
Why we need your support
Trauma counselling for refugees not only requires highly qualified therapists and motivated support workers, but also a warm and caring society. Everyone is part of the solution, including you. Thanks to your support, we are able to keep our therapy free of charge for refugees.
Find help
I am a support worker. I want to …
Register a client
Please provide us with a clear and complete description of your client’s case. Within 24 hours, we will inform you about the next steps, either at Solentra or elsewhere in the healthcare network.
Ask advice
A senior trauma psychologist holds consultations for care providers every weekday before noon. Please send us all relevant details about your inquiry or case, so we can get back to you faster. We will contact you with more information within 24 hours (except on weekends).