Everything about war and migration trauma, tailored to your learning needs
As a professional support worker or volunteer, you play a vital role in the healing process of people suffering from war and migration trauma. We offer insights from our clinical experience and research in multiple formats so you can brush up on your knowledge and skills at your own pace.
Training platform
Learn new approaches to provide high-quality psychosocial support for people with a refugee background.
Sign up for free and start learning now (in Dutch or French)!
Tailor-made training course
Insight builds trust. We develop in-depth training courses in Dutch or French on war and migration trauma, tailored to healthcare professionals or organisations.
Young branch,
international recognition
Solentra wants to put war and migration trauma on the map as an academic specialisation. As a centre of expertise, we therefore focus on practical research and foster connections with research networks. Our goal is to detect serious psychological problems faster and treat them better, influence policymaking and measure social impact.
Our PACCT® method, which makes high-quality psychological assistance more accessible and efficient for our target group, has received national and international recognition as a best practice (including by the International Migration Organisation). In 2016, Solentra received the Maselis Prize for our pioneering work in child psychology and psychiatry, and our director was awarded the title ‘Psychologist of the Year’. Since 2017, Solentra is also part of the Ashoka network. In 2021, Solentra was shortlisted for the EU Health Award.
8 fact sheets
Our research on refugee mental health care has been compiled into eight fact sheets.
With thanks to the King Baudouin Foundation.
Our research has been picked up in both national and international professional journals.
- A file study of refugee children referred to specialized mental health care: from an individual diagnostic to an ecological perspective (Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2017 Nov)
- An Intervention Supporting the Mental Health of Children with a Refugee Background (Issues Ment Health Nurs., 2017 Apr)
- De zorg kleurt… buiten de lijnen. Klinsich psychologen, leerlingenbegeleiders en ouders samen aan de slag om het welzijn van allochtone kinderen te bevorderen. (VUB, apr 2011)
Technology connects. That is why we make use of it to maximise the accessibility and effectiveness of our services.
- Through e-learnings, we make information on transcultural psychological counselling readily available to support workers and counsellors of people with a refugee background.
- Using VR glasses, we can assist clients with processing war trauma even in difficult circumstances (e.g. refugee centres, limited mobility).
- Via an online screening tool (under development), support workers can verify a trauma diagnosis and receive instructions on how to stabilise trauma symptoms in a client.