Through this project, Solentra wants to help create (employment) opportunities for people with a refugee or migration background.
Close-knit network
Solentra is grateful for the close-knit network of organisations that helps give hope to refugees with war or migration trauma.
Does your organisation wish to support Solentra or do you want to make a donation?
The mobile refugee team
Structurally expanding mental healthcare for people with a migration or refugee background requires cooperation.
In Limburg, Solentra and CGG Kohesi therefore decided to join forces. The mobile refugee team was founded in 2016.
Refugees suffering from complex trauma often struggle to access appropriate counselling. Solentra’s intensive trauma day clinic offers a tailor-made treatment for young people.
Untreated war trauma and the inability to find a place in society can in some cases contribute to extreme violence. As a trauma expert, Solentra therefore offers policy support to local governments.
Onze online beslishulp helpt hulpverleners om ontwikkelingstrauma sneller te herkennen en cultuursensitief aan te pakken bij kinderen met een vluchtelingenachtergrond.
The project ‘Be-Coming Home’ focuses on the Hallepoort and Bosnia neighbourhoods in Saint-Gilles. By mobilising and informing residents, we want to tap into their resilience and come up with joint solutions to break social isolation and promote integration.
This project bolsters the self-reliance of newcomers by focusing on the prevention and early detection of psychological problems, in particular trauma.
Through the ‘Re-Imagine Covid’ project, Solentra conducted an action research with young refugees and newcomers on the impact of Covid on their mental well-being and resilience.
Primary care organisations often lack the skills to support parents from different cultural backgrounds in a culture- and trauma-sensitive way. In this participatory process, Solentra builds the capacity of organisations to provide appropriate and effective care and guidance to this target group.
This project provides cultural and trauma-sensitive psychological care to young people (15-24 years) with a refugee background in Ghent and surrounding areas.
Solentra expanded its team with two Ukrainian psychologists to provide therapy to Ukrainian refugees. We offer both individual and group sessions.
Healthcare institutions do not sufficiently reach people with a refugee or migration background due to various barriers. To contribute to a more effective and qualitative care offer for our target group, Solentra provides trauma treatment for refugees and trainings for social workers and integration actors.
Institutions often struggle to reach refugee families and unaccompanied minors due to language barriers, the stigma attached to psychiatry in different cultures, a diffuse demand for help and a lack of knowledge of the needs and pathologies of this target group. Through outreach work with social workers and the target group, Solentra helps bridge the gap.
Guardians of unaccompanied minors are confronted with all kinds of challenges, such as language and cultural differences, complex requests for help and suspicions of trauma or other psychological problems. Solentra therefore developed an e-learning tailored to guardians in Dutch and French.
Public Centres for Social Welfare (PCSWs) and their partners are often the first support agencies approached by refugees and other newcomers from third countries. These training courses provide their social workers and care providers with the necessary knowledge and tools.
- Born in Belgium Professionals
- Ligant
- Netwerk SaRA
- Perinatale netwerken (Limburg, West-Vlaanderen)
- Platform Kinderen op de Vlucht
- Transform Integrated Community Care
- Vlaamse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (Taskforce Transculturele Psychiatrie)
- Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen
- Mental Health Europe
Partner with Solentra
Interested in setting up a structural partnership with us? We would be happy to discuss ways in which we can collaborate to make trauma therapy more accessible to people with a refugee background.