Quick answers to practical questions
Who can register new clients at Solentra? Where do consultations take place? How much does a therapy session cost? Find a quick answer to all your practical questions in the list below.
Do you have another question? Do not hesitate to e-mail us at solentra@uzbrussel.be or call us during office hours on 02 477 57 15.
We offer psychological counselling to people with a refugee background, regardless of their residential status or when they arrived in Belgium. Children, youngsters, adults and families can rely on our services. We focus primarily on people who do not have access to or cannot find the right help in the regular healthcare system.
Solentra offers specialised psychological care. Therefore, it is not possible to schedule an appointment directly. Only healthcare or service providers – such as general practitioners, psychiatrists, social workers, CLB employees … – can register clients via the online form.
Do you have questions about a specific registration? Contact our free helpdesk for support workers (send your question via the online form).
Do you have general questions about the registration procedure? Please contact the secretariat in your region (Antwerp, Brussels/Flemish Brabant, Limburg, West Flanders) or our main office for other regions.
Solentra strives to provide accessible, effective and high-quality psychological care for people with a refugee background. From a human rights perspective, we feel it is important that this care is free of charge for the client or patient.
To make this possible, we work hard to obtain the necessary resources through (project) subsidies and fundraising efforts. We also work according to the third-party payer principle. In addition, we partner with organisations – such as Fedasil, the Red Cross, Foster Care and various Public Centres for Social Welfare – who pay for their clients’ therapy. In that case, invoicing is done through them.
If your client is not eligible for free therapy within one of our subsidised projects or partnerships, we will contact you to discuss other options.
Solentra is eligible for a reimbursement from the health insurance fund under certain conditions, e.g. after referral by a general practitioner or psychiatrist. The amount of the reimbursement and the conditions depend on the specific fund. It is therefore best to inquire with the health insurance fund directly. You will also find more information on this website.
That is not a problem. Even if your client has been living in Belgium for several years and has a certain knowledge of Dutch or French, it is still preferable to hold the sessions in their native language. The mother tongue is the language in which our emotions are stored. Therefore, we schedule an interpreter for each therapy session.
No, we only provide interpreters for interventions held by Solentra. If you need an interpreter for other interventions, you can contact social translation agencies or freelance interpreters.
The consultations take place in our offices across Flanders and Brussels. We try to help clients as close to their homes as possible, within the limits of our current collaborations and projects.
We exceptionally hold consultations at the client’s home. However, we only do so if it is deemed necessary after consulting with the healthcare or service provider who referred the client. If transportation is not feasible for the client or other obstacles prevent the client from attending in-person therapy sessions, we can also organise online consultations.
Yes, Solentra has a waiting list. We strive to keep the waiting time as short as possible depending on the urgency, seriousness of the problem, vulnerability of the client … When we receive a registration, we estimate the waiting time as accurately as possible on the basis of a telephone consultation with the referrer. As soon as we start working with a client, we inform the referrer.
We work with PAika, the child and adolescent psychiatry department of UZ Brussel, and offer weekly psychiatric consultations at our office in Brussels. We also have a child and adolescent psychiatrist in our team in Limburg. If Brussels and Limburg are too far, we will help search for a psychiatrist near the client.
Yes, Solentra offers a wide variety of training modules covering different topics for specific target groups. Our offer includes e-learnings, webinars, on-site training sessions, intervisions and supervisions, as well as a free helpdesk where care providers can ask questions about a specific case. Some training courses are free of charge thanks to project grants, others are not. More information about our trainings and conditions can be found under Academy.
Do you want to help Solentra improve psychological care for people with a refugee background? You can volunteer in different ways:
- Secretariat: administrative tasks
- Communications & marketing: translations, layout, events, fundraising
Take a look at our vacancies for more information (Dutch/French).
Yes, take a look at our vacancies for more information (Dutch/French).