Warm society,
resilient individual

What characterises trauma therapy at Solentra?
We treat trauma caused by war, migration – or both. Human rights, the community and the individual’s resilience are at the centre of the PACCT methodology we developed.
Few refugees find their way to psychological or psychiatric support on their own. Language, cultural and socio-economic barriers often stand in the way. At Solentra, we therefore make sure to be mindful of the client’s cultural habits. We find that this openness is necessary to allow someone to grow again.
Family members, acquaintances, teachers, social workers, legal advisers and doctors … Our therapists not only work with the client, but also with their environment to restore trust, regain control, stimulate talents, and provide structure and perspective.
To get to the heart of war or migration trauma, we work with trauma and ethnotherapists, interpreters and intercultural mediators. Among other therapies, we use Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Psychothérapie du Trauma Reassociative (PTR), trauma yoga and Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET).
We provide high-quality care, while also supporting and mobilising community health workers and primary care providers in situations where specialised care is not (yet) necessary or beneficial. By promoting prevention and early detection, our approach relies on the trust between client and care provider, on which trauma therapy can be grafted if needed. This way, everyone receives the appropriate care in a timely manner.
Anyone with war or migration trauma can be registered for therapy at Solentra: children, youngsters, adults, families, etc. We also help people who have been residing in our country for a long time and whose trauma symptoms are only surfacing years after their arrival.
Free of charge
We focus on people who cannot access the right help in the regular healthcare system and who cannot afford specialised trauma therapy. Therefore, we only work on the basis of referral – by a care provider, support worker, supervisor … – and our therapists are compensated through the system of a third-party payer.
Professional trauma therapy is not always required
Our Western view of trauma focuses heavily on symptoms. Suffering from insomnia? Take a sleeping pill. Even when refugees’ physical complaints are psychosomatic in nature, professional trauma therapy is not always in order. The context is important: Are they going through an asylum procedure? Who did they leave behind in their country? Which invisible loyalties come into play?
When asking different questions relating to this context, both clients and care providers might realise that the complaints are a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. In this case, a lawyer who provides support during the asylum procedure could be more helpful than medication.
From prevention to treatment
Our interventions vary depending on the urgency, background and nature of the problem.
After registering a potential client, the support worker or counsellor will be consulted via telephone to determine the best course of action.
Call-in for healthcare professionals
Healthcare professionals can request the support of a transcultural psychologist or psychiatrist during a consultation.
Stress reduction programme
This easily accessible programme ensures the continuity of care for a client who needs a break from trauma therapy. In times of crisis, it can also rapidly provide the appropriate care.
Group sessions
This easily accessible service offers stress reduction for specific target audiences (children, adolescents, women …).
Community-based consultations
Easily accessible psychological care, co-creative professional development, defining the problem together with the client and their network to arrive at a solution together.
Ethnopsychiatric consultations
High-quality psychological care with a transcultural trauma psychologist or ethnocultural therapist. The therapy’s duration will vary based on the client’s needs.
Trauma day clinic
An intense day treatment for complex trauma
Additional information and training
Answering practical questions
Who can contact Solentra? How much does the therapy cost? Where do the consultations take place? You will find the answers to many practical questions on our FAQ page.
Tailor-made training courses
Do you want to know more about war trauma therapy? Our online academy will immediately quench your thirst for knowledge. Be sure to check out our training agenda or e-mail us if you want to design a group training with us (in Dutch or French only).
Solentra in a language your client understands
Not everyone speaks English, French or Dutch fluently. That is why we also briefly introduce Solentra in our clients’ most common languages: